MAPTA: Mid-Atlantic Physical Therapy Associates


Manual Therapy DVD Series

Manual Therapy DVD Series

Item Type: 10 DVD set consisting of 6 Volumes
Price: $375 USD – plus shipping
Product Status: In Stock!

MAPTA is pleased to present the video series "Manual Therapy" by Swodeam Consulting Inc. and Jim Meadows. This collection of six volumes of 10 DVDs has a total running time of more almost eleven hours of manual therapy examination and treatment technique demonstration.

This series is not made on a manual therapy course with a VHS recorder.

There are eleven individual DVDs comprising the set, all of which were professionally produced by KWGN-TV of Denver, CO. The series is intended to duplicate a book in that the viewer has the ability (so far as video allows) to flip through the DVDs. Each DVD is kept to a maximum of 90 minutes and usually runs around 60 minutes so that fast forwarding is facilitated. The following features ensure high quality production and easy viewing.

The entire set consists of the following 10 DVDs:

  • Manual Therapy: Discs 1 & 2, Volume 1 ~ Differential Diagnosis: The Spinal Scan Examination

    Volume 1 comes in two DVDs for a total running time of approximately 150 minutes. The two tapes demonstrate the Cyriax scanning examination for the sacroiliac joints, lumbar, thoracic and cervical spines. They include:

    • Articular tests (active and passive movements)
    • Muscle tests (isometrics)
    • Neurological tests (dermatome, myotome and reflex tests)
    • Dural tests Special tests (quadrant, upper limb tension tests, dizziness etc)
    • Peripheral screening tests
  • Manual Therapy: Discs 3 & 4, Volume 2A & 2B ~ Basic Biomechanical Assessment and Treatment: The Spine

    This volume is the first part of the sub-series 2-4. It is two DVDs (A and B) with A concerning the cervical region and B, the cervicothoracic, thoracic and lumbar regions. These DVDs demonstrate the basic biomechanical assessment and treatment of the craniovertebral and cervical regions. It includes the craniovertebral ligament stress tests, passive physiological and accessory mobility tests, segmental stability tests and passive mobilization for these areas.

  • Manual Therapy: Disc 5, Volume 3 ~ Biomechanical Assessment & Treatment: Upper Limb

    This volume is the second in the subset and demonstrates assessment and treatment techniques of the upper limb. Assessment techniques include those designed by James Cyriax MD. with some additional stress tests especially in the shoulder and elbow and passive mobility and stability biomechanical tests. Treatment techniques include passive mobilizations in both the neutral and end range positions.

  • Manual Therapy: Disc 6, Volume 4 ~ Biomechanical Assessment & Treatment: Lower Limb

    This volume is the third in the subset and demonstrates assessment and treatment techniques of the lower limb. Assessment techniques include those designed by James Cyriax MD. with some additional stress tests especially in the, foot and ankle and passive mobility and stability biomechanical tests. Treatment techniques include passive mobilizations in both the neutral and end range positions.

  • Manual Therapy: Discs 7, 8, 9, Volume 5 ~ Advanced Techniques Upper & Lower Limbs, SIJ, TMJ, and Spine

    Volume 5 is four DVDs demonstrating more advanced assessment and treatment techniques for the thoracic and lumbar spinal regions, the ribs, sacroiliac and temperomandibular joints and manipulative thrust technqiues for the peripheral joints. In addition, the quadrant tests and treatments are demonstrated on these tapes.

  • Manual Therapy: Disc 10, Volume 6 ~ The Acute MVA Patient: Examination & Treatment

    This stand-alone video contains over an hour of instruction and demonstration on the examination and manual treatment of the post-whiplash patient. It includes a short lecture on the anatomy and pathology of the vertebrobasilar system and the clinical effects of compromise of this system. In addition, central neurological testing procedures including cranial nerve and long tract examination are demonstrated.

    The cervical differential diagnostic examination and biomechanical evaluation are also demonstrated. The differential diagnostic examination includes myotome, dermatome and reflex testing, range of motion and fracture tests as well as transverse and alar ligament stress testing. Biomechanical tests demonstrated are the segmental screening test, zygopophyseal and uncovertebral joint arthrokinematic assessments and segmental stability tests.

    Approaches to treatment are discussed and manual techniques for mobilizing the zygopophyseal and uncovertebral joints are demonstrated.

DVD Quality & Production information:

  • The production included two cameras, one for showing body positions and the other for hand and finger placements in the more complex techniques
  • Professional sound engineering monitored constantly during production by an engineer ensures audio quality
  • To avoid shooting the videos in a clinic with all the attendant problems in lighting and sound, a set was built by the TV station.
  • Split screen demonstrations allow the viewer to watch the technique on the live patient and on skeletal material simultaneously for the more intricate examination and treatment procedures.
  • The recordings are divided by full page graphics which stay on the screen for 15 seconds with the title of the topic being demonstrated allowing the viewer to fast forward to areas of interest conveniently
  • For each sub-category, a subtitle overlying the demonstration stays on the screen for approximately five seconds
  • Theory is kept to minimum and practical demonstrations to a maximum so that the tapes do not waste time duplicating course material
  • Individual DVDs are not available, only complete sets.

About the Author:

Jim has 30 years of clinical and teaching experience throughout North America, Britain and Norway. His first teacher of manual therapy was James Cyriax and he continued his learning in Norway and Canada, earning his certificate in Manipulative Therapy in 1983. He was chair of the Canadian Orthopedic Division's Education and Specialization Committees for 12 years and a past Examiner and Instructor with the Canadian Orthopedic Division. Jim is a co-founder and a senior faculty member and Senior Examiner with the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy. He is a past faculty member of the University of Alberta and current adjunct faculty at the Texas Women's University, Andrews University, MI, the Massachusetts.


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